
Election Night Party at YBCA

Calling all Obamaphiles and McCaniacs, hockey-moms and Joe Six-packs, Democrats and Republicans, Independents and Undecideds! On November 4th this historic election will usher in a new day in America and it will be time to set aside our differences, reach across the aisle, join hands in solidarity, bury the hatchet, raise a glass and PARTY LIKE IT’S 1999! But the best part, my friends, is that in this time of economic uncertainty—IT’S FREE!

Election 2008 and Diversity Beat

During the election season the Center for Asian American Media, in collaboration with the National Minority Consortia and Diversity Beat, brought public broadcasting and public radio election-related stories from different communities within the growing minority electorate. Check out the CAAM Election 2008 page for post-election reflections and watch the stories produced by NMC fellows through Diversity Beat.

Co-Presentation: Women Wielding Cameras Film Festival

International filmmakers Kimberlee Acquaro and Marlo Poras are among the filmmakers who will speak and answer questions about their award-winning films screening at I.M.O.W.’s Women Wielding Cameras free Film Festival in the San Francisco Public Library’s Koret Auditorium on Saturday, June 14.

The Diversity Beat – National Minority Consortia Election Initiative 2008

Watch the latest stories produced by the National Minority Consortia (NMC) Election Initiative fellows. In anticipation of the 2008 Presidential Election, the National Minority Consortia (NMC) presents the Diversity Beat – a multi-platform initiative to incorporate diversity in public media as a central premise to covering a national news event, while also signaling public media’s commitment to diversity in public affairs reporting.