CAAM Presents

2011 SFIAAFF Student Delegate Program

2011 SFIAAFF Student Delegate Program

The San Francisco International Asian American Film Festival is proud to continue its annual Student Delegate Program. Aimed to engage students with Asian and Asian American cinema, the program strives to cultivate the next generation of scholars, artists, administrators and activists invested in the field of Asian American media.

CAAM Member Spotlight : R.J. Lozada

CAAM is truly blessed to have many wonderful supporters and we’d love to show the world how awesome they really are. This is a shout out to you, CAAM members!

TODAY’S SPECIAL opens this Friday 11/9

If you missed the opening night film, TODAY’S SPECIAL, at the 2010 SFIAAFF…not to worry. Here is your chance to catch it! TODAY’S SPECIAL is opening nation wide, starting this Friday 11/19.

Memoirs of a Superfan, Vol. 5.5: TIBET IN SONG

I recently saw TIBET IN SONG at the Lumiere. It plays until 11/18 at the Lumiere, and I highly recommend it. (There will be a DVD release next February.) Filmmaker Ngawang Choephel traveled to Tibet in the late 90’s to document folk music.