Nice Girls Crew: Available OCTOBER 2012 on Comcast Cinema Asian America!

Watch the hit comedy series starring leading ladies Sheetal Sheth, Michelle Krusiec, and Lynn Chen October 1-21 on Cinema Asian America!

Comcast subscribers can watch the show for free at:
XFINITY On Demand > Movies > Movie Collections > Cinema Asian America

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Sophie, Leena and Geraldine have been true frenemies since elementary school. All grown up, the ladies seek refuge from their isolation in a book club where they never actually talk about the book. Their subjects of interest? Sex, cannibalism, drugs and just about everything else you’d expect in such good company.

Like what you see? 

Be our friends on Facebook and stay tuned to find out how you can make a second season possible! We’ll be chirping away at @NiceGirlsCrew.


Nice Girls Crew is a production of the Center for Asian American Media (CAAM). Created/written by CAAM staffer Christine Kwon and directed/written by award-winning filmmaker Tanuj Chopra (Punching at the Sun), the five-episode series was the first of its kind to premiere at the San Francisco Int’l Asian American Film Festival. For more information, email



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