To mark the Lunar New Year of 2019, American Public Television will debut a new season of Lucky Chow, a broadcast series hosted by culinary nomad Danielle Chang. Lucky Chow returns for a third, six-part season in February 2019 to explore the world’s emerging hunger for Asian food.
Danielle has put together both iconic and rising star chefs to showcase the unprecedented interest in Asian culture today and the stories behind why our taste buds are gravitating East. For the first time in the series history, we’ll see Danielle travel outside of the U.S. to explore China and Korea and discover how the global appetite for the foods of Asia also leads to a greater understanding of its cultures and how “what’s old is new again.”
From global locavores to K-beauty obsessives to the revival of traditional Chinese medicine, Chang gives us an unprecedented look at how Asian cuisines feed not just our bellies, but also our minds and spirit with China’s famous Dragon’s Well Manor in Hangzhou with Dai Jianjun; renegade chefs, entrepreneurs and cultural ambassadors from Canal Street Market to the dance party sensation Bubble_T; K-beauty pioneer Charlotte Cho from Sokoglam, and master mixologist Albert Trummer’s medicinal bar.
Co-presented by the Center for Asian American Media (CAAM). Check local PBS listings for air dates! Check our website for Season 3 episode descriptions.