Celebrating Filipino American History Month: Dawn Bohulano Mabalon
This month, we’ll be highlighting Filipino American community leaders.
This month, we’ll be highlighting Filipino American community leaders.
Neither the filmmakers nor CAAM predicted that the inclusion of this home movie would lead to identifying the family in the footage.
Home movie footage from Kip Fulbeck’s family collection shows an early trip to Santa’s Village in San Bernardino, CA.
Participants and audience members gathered in the theater, a converted church with pews and a functioning pipe organ to watch the films as they were originally intended to be shown—through a film projector and onto a white screen.
For this week only, everyone who donates $35 will receive a limited edition CAAM Memories to Light: Asian American Home Movies t-shirt.
Home Movie Day is a celebration of amateur films and filmmaking, providing an opportunity for individuals and families to see and share their own home movies with an audience of their community, and to see their neighbors’ in turn.
This just in – we just put a down payment on a new scanner to digitize home movies! Thank you to everyone who has donated and supported the campaign so far – we’re about $4,000 away from our goal and our campaign ends this Friday! Donate today to help us preserve and share Asian American home movies with everyone.
“‘Your Piece’ is inspired by Korean wrapping cloths, or bojagi, which women pieced together out of scraps of spare material, creating an heirloom full of beauty and utility from what would otherwise be waste.”