The overlooked story of how thousands of Filipino farmworkers contributed to forming the United Farm Workers unfolds. Directed by Marissa Aroy.
Set in the 1980’s hip hop scene, a Filipino American teen discovers her identity through a budding talent for turntables. Directed by Marie Jamora.
A cowboy chances upon a Bengali bride. They develop a dynamic where they realize that things shouldn’t be taken at face
value. Directed by Sujata Day.
"Sameer and the Giant Samosa" is a dark comedy about a newlywed Indian couple and their diverging views on marriage and tradition. A surreal turn of events reveals the groom's true, hidden appetites. Directed by Faroukh Virani.
An unfaithful woman, a betrayed man, and a mannequin? Things get worse in this short about love in all its forms. Directed by Yiyi Yin.
Through generations by the legacy of internment, Mari Yoshimori goes on a journey of death and rebirth. Directed by Daryn Wakasa.
When Maira finds recordings of her parents in mobile devices at home, she faces a reality that could prompt her to grow up. Directed by Arpita Kumar.
A family is terrorized by their dead daughter, Ai, who has come back to life possessed by a vengeful spirit. Directed by Ham Tran.
A young Indian American woman tries to catch a flight bound for New York when her fanny pack clad father attempts to stop
her. Directed by Uttara Singh.
Filmmaker Miko Revereza problematizes questions regarding global implications, via recording a film document
without the possession of living documents.
Two time travelers meet unexpectedly. Each provides the other with crucial information about their mutual futures. Directed by Sudan Sethuramalingam.