CAAM is Offering Emergency Grants for Filmmakers from the Sundance Institute Respond and Reimagine Plan
Thanks to the generous support of our partners at Sundance Institute, CAAM will be awarding up to 15 emergency grants of up to $1,000…
Thanks to the generous support of our partners at Sundance Institute, CAAM will be awarding up to 15 emergency grants of up to $1,000…
Two funding opportunities for visual storytellers now open through CAAM.
The fund offers grants for social issue documentary films that highlight Asian American narratives. The deadline to submit a project is Monday, August 26, 2019.
The new awardees include “Chinatown Rising,” “Jaddoland” and “Random Acts of Legacy.”
The National Endowment of the Arts grants CAAM $45,000 for CAAMFest 2015.
FRONTLINE/World and the National Minority Consortia (NMC) are collaborating on a joint call for proposals for an online series entitled “Abroad at Home”, part of FRONTLINE/World’s larger 2008 Election project called “The World is Watching”.