Hi CAAM Fans,
We recently re-designed our bi-weekly email newsletter CAAM Connect. The new design was unveiled in our most recent issue. Not a subscriber yet? Sign up here to receive the latest news, ticket giveaways and other exclusive access to CAAM’s programs, events and partnerships. Please encourage your friends and contacts who also interested in film, media and stories to sign up here for a free CAAM Fan membership.
We’d love to know what you think about our new look and our overall communications. Give us your feedback by completing our online survey on SurveyMonkey by October 31st and you will be entered in a raffle to win a signed copy of artist Gene Yang’s book American Born Chinese or a copy of the CAAM co-produced documentary Jake Shimabukuro: Life on Four Strings from CAAM. Questions? Contact us at membership [AT] caamedia.org.
Main image: Screenshot of CAAM’s newly re-designed e-newsletter CAAM Connect.