The Roxie Theater is launching a new family friendly film series, Roxie Kids, this Sunday, June 29 with The Adventure of Panda & Friends, written and created by Hayao Miyazaki. This summer series has been curated by Japan native programmer Fuyumi Saito. The monthly series is scheduled to continue in July and August, with Lupin The 3rd “The Castle Of Cagliostro,“ co-written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki, on Sunday, July 27, and four classic Astro Boy episodes on August 24 (Mission Sunday Streets Day), directed and written by Osamu Tezuka. CAAM is proud to co-present this special series!
“We are selecting the films for their appeal to kids and adult audiences and will not show the regular blockbuster Hollywood films,” said Isabel Fondevila, Executive Director of the Roxie Theater. “It’s all about the art of storytelling on screen and we hope to get children and their families better acquainted with classics, foreign and independent films in an independent neighborhood theater setting.”
Admission is free for kids (under 12 years old) and adult tickets are $7.50. For more information and to buy tickets, visit the Roxie Theater’s website
The Adventure of Panda & Friends
Sunday, June 29 at 2:00 pm
Japan, 1972-1973, 75 minutes, English dubbed
Roxie Theater – Little Roxie
Lupin The 3rd “The Castle Of Cagliostro”
Sunday, July 27 at 2:00 pm
Japan, 1979, 100 minutes, English dubbed
Roxie Theater – Big Roxie
Four Astro Boy episodes
The Birth of Atom, Space Airport R-45, Anger of Sphinx, and Atom’s first love
Sunday, August 24 at 2:00 pm
Japan, 1980-1981, English dubbed
Roxie Theater – Big Roxie
The Birth of Atom
Bureau of Precision Machinery in Science Ministry is working on the development of “Super Robot”, despite experiencing no less than four failures. At that time, a man called Skunk visits Minister of Science, Dr. Tenma at home. He proposes to provide the ministry with Omega Factor which will allow a robot to have a reason as humans do. But Dr. Tenma refuses his proposal.
Space Airport R-45
The space airport is infested with space gangs and space rockets are wrecked constantly. Under such circumstance, the airport administrator Tsukioka is being forced to step down by the master of the hotel, who aims to take over Tsukioka’s position. Atom comes to the airport to clean up those gangs.
Anger of Sphinx
At attacked by Robot Crab. Atom somehow gets to MonsieurAmpere’s second camp. Monsieur Ampere is the man who asks Dr. Ochnomizu to send Atom, and is excavating the land for the research of Mayan Pyramid. Then, Atom follows a guide to see Monsieur Ampere. But again, Atom is attacked, this time by a robot Sphinx, who has intercepted the excavation of the pyramid anddestroyed the first camp completely.
Atom’s first love
The stolen blueprint of Atom’s prototype model has found in the underground fortress in Republic of Grotta. Dr. Ochanomizu ordered Atom to retrieve the blueprint since the prototype was designed to be installed a neutron bomb. Changing himself into a shape of man, Atom tries to sneak into the fortress in the country; however, he is blocked by laser beams. Then a robot girl who lives in the fortress takes Atom into the fortress. She is a robot named Nyoka created by the administrator of the fortress Dr. Lindolph.
Main image: Still from The Adventure of Panda & Friends, written and created by Hayao Miyazaki.