Did you miss the Present / Future Summit on Asian American Media at SFIAAFF30?
This townhall-style conversation brought together the most creative minds in media today, from YouTube stars to Media Executives.
Get caught up by watching the videos at the Present/Future Playlist on YouTube
Re-live the event through our Storify, which captured the fury of tweets (fueled by our event’s Twitter wall!): http://sfy.co/m7j
Here’s CAAM’s Executive Director Stephen Gong, and the brains behind the Present/Future Summit, Producer Karin Chien, explaining the origins behind the Summit and kicking things off:
Speaker: Gary Chou (Union Square Ventures) http://garychou.com/
Lee Ann Kim (San Diego Film Foundation) http://www.sdaff.org
From his perspective as an investor, Gary shares his thoughts on the current paradigm shift from hierarchies to networks.
Speaker: Wendy Levy, http://www.tomorrowpartners.com/wendy.php
Wendy Levy has spent a good part of her career utilizing networks. But she explains why ultimately, it’s not about the technology, but the story.
Q&A with Gary Chou and Wendy Levy
See a re-cap blog from 2012 CAAM Fellow Geoffrey Quan on his takeaways on storytelling at the Summit!
See all of the blog posts on Present/Future
Present/Future playlist on our YouTube CAAM Channel