Filmmaker Tad Nakamura, the director behind CAAM’s forthcoming Jake Shimabukuro documentary, is running a community video contest with the Japanese American Cultural and Community Center.
DEADLINE EXTENDED to January 31, 2011!
Make a 60 second video about the power and importance of your community and win $1,000!
Mission Statement:
The Power of Community Video Contest presented by Nissan aims to provide an opportunity for young Asian American filmmakers and artists to creatively express the important role community can play in strengthening one’s ties to culture, family, and physical space, as well as serve as a platform to educate the greater Asian American community about cultural preservation and the impact that a unified, strong community can make.
Contest Rules:
We are looking for the best 60-second video that visually and creatively completes the phrase “The power of community is…”. Videos may be in any genre (narrative, documentary, experimental, etc.) and will be judged based on overall message, creativity, and ability to express the important role community can play in strengthening one’s ties to culture, family, and physical space. This competition is free and open to anyone. DEADLINE EXTENDED: all entries must be submitted by January 31, 2011 to:
c/o: The Power of Community Video Contest
244 S. San Pedro St., Suite 505
Los Angeles, CA. 90012
The 1st place video will receive a $1,000 cash prize and will be shown to hundreds of people at an outdoor film screening in Little Tokyo, Los Angeles in the summer of 2011.
1st, 2nd, and 3rd place videos will also be streamed on the web.
For more information about the video contest please contact: powerofcommunityvideocontest[at]gmail[dot]com
Related links:
Tad Nakamura
The JACCC Presents: The Power of Community Video Contest
A Taste of the Forthcoming Jake Shimabukuro Documentary