Kearny Street Workshop (KSW), the nation’s oldest Asian Pacific American (APA) multidisciplinary arts organization, will present its 11th annual festival of emerging APA artists, APAture, September 17 – 26, 2009. This two-weekend-long festival will take place at venues throughout San Francisco, including Goforaloop Gallery, Hotel Rex, Intersection for the Arts, and Poleng Lounge. Each night of the festival is dedicated to a different art discipline, with events including a concurrent visual art exhibition, film screenings, music concert, literary readings, performing art showcase, and handmade fair of comics/zines and DIY crafts.
***CAAM members get in FREE to APAture Film Night with your CAAM membership card! Email membership[at]asianamericanmedia[dot]org to join CAAM or for more info.***
THURS, September 24
8:00 – 10:00 pm
VIZ Cinema at New People
1746 Post St.
$10 – 15 Sliding Scale
Featured Artist:
Tanuj Chopra
Presenting Artists:
Nara Denning
Philip Huang
Vivian Wenli Lin
Chihiro Wimbush
Kevin Wong
About APAture
Kearny Street Workshop’s APAture is an annual multidisciplinary arts festival showcasing the work of emerging Asian Pacific American artists. APAture’s mission is to provide artists with an early experience presenting their work at a large event; to build audiences for emerging APA artists; to strengthen the sense of community among artists; and to raise awareness of the existence of and diversity within the APA arts community. APAture values community-building, ethnic and artistic diversity and collaboration across ethnic and disciplinary lines.
About Kearny Street Workshop
Kearny Street Workshop (KSW) is the oldest Asian Pacific American (APA) multidisciplinary arts organizaiton in the United States. Our mission is to produce, present and promote art that enpowers APA artists and communities.