Explore the Japanese American Internment
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Through the federal Civil Liberties Public Education Fund, an unprecedented level of educational, cultural and research projects were initiated to "illuminate the causes, circumstances and implications of the internment" so that such an injustice is never repeated.


Ongoing Impact

Redress Aftermath


1:07 Min.


"I began searching for my own history, because I knew all along the stories I heard were not true."

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Although the redress payments and apology could never fully compensate the individual survivors for the tremendous monetary loss of property, humiliation, and psychological trauma endured, Japanese Americans as a community felt a great burden lifted.

The truth – revealed through the Commission Hearings, and documented in an official Congressional report, had a tremendous healing impact and ignited a new stage of community development and cultural preservation efforts.

While the redress legislation provided a formal record and accounting of the U.S. Government’s civil liberties violations, many Japanese Americans continue to seek resolution and reconciliation within their families and community.

For some, the stigma of shame and guilt associated with internment has been resolved. For others, it has lingered or had indirect impact on their offspring, the Sansei and Yonsei, (fourth-generation Japanese Americans) who continue to search for a sense cultural identity and historical integrity.

In fact, the internal conflicts between various factions of the Japanese American community over issues such as the draft and the loyalty oath – policies created by the government, and imposed on a vulnerable population – are healing much more slowly.

On-going redress efforts:
Japanese Latin Americans (JLA), not eligible for reparations under the Civil Liberties Act of 1988, have continued to press for redress equity (i.e. reparations comparable to the $20,000 provided to Japanese Americans internees).

(For more information on the JLA, see World War II & Roundup.

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