End of Year

“CAAM was a stamp of approval on me as a filmmaker, and it started opening a lot of doors…”

-Pallavi Somusetty, 2022 CAAM Fellow

As we close out the year at CAAM, we’re reflecting on our impact in media and beyond. Your generous support enables us to continue our mission of advancing meaningful, creative, and transformative work that uplifts Asian American stories that need to be heard. Every donation goes directly toward empowering our storytellers and amplifying narratives that matter. That’s why we’re celebrating our community in the following video, featuring CAAM Fellowship alumni Pallavi Somusetty, Bree Nieves Robert, and Kevin Truong, as an example of the critical light CAAM shines on Asian American experiences.

By contributing today during this End of Year season, you’re strengthening the potential of Asian American stories in this watershed moment. Your gift will help CAAM continue to nurture storytellers like Pallavi Somusetty and redefine what the American narrative looks like. Thanks to two anonymous donors, up to $10,000 of contributions made through December 31 will be matched! Donate today and double your impact!

Support Asian American Stories

Your gift will help CAAM continue to nurture storytellers like Pallavi Somusetty and redefine what the American narrative looks like. Thank you for your generous support of this critical work!

Video and editing by Nisha Balaram. Additional footage was provided from the films Mai American and Arise My Beloved, as well as the personal collections of CAAM fellows Bree Nieves Robert and Kevin Truong. Still photography provided by Treehouse Vista Studio and Bay Area Video Coalition. Music provided by Clarion on behalf of Scott Buckley.