
Me Con

‘my mom (mẹ con)’ Gives a Loving Taste of Growing Up Asian American in the South

“I grew up understanding my Vietnamese identity a lot through food. I think a lot of people within diasporic communities could relate to understanding their specific community through food – through this flavor, this taste, this love and tender care that goes into the food.”
— filmmaker Melanie Ho, whose documentary ‘my mom (mẹ con)’ is now streaming via WORLD Channel.

Rising Against Asian Hate

New Documentary ‘Rising Against Asian Hate’ Captures an Unprecedented Moment

“The Asian American community are not victims in this story. I didn’t want to show a community that’s victimized, even though what’s been happening is horrific. But the Asian American community [has] been here fighting for their civil rights for a very, very long time.” —Titi Yu, director of “Rising Against Asian Hate”