A new show debuted on YouTube focusing on Himalayan stories. The show, called Higher Land Coffee Talkshow, is produced by Tibetan American Lobsang Thinley. The show focuses on what Asian American means to the Himalayan community.
The first episode features CAAM’s Talent Development & Special Projects Manager Sapana Sakya, who is Nepalese American. She is interviewed by Ngawang Gyatso. Catch the full episode below!
“On the Higher Land Coffee Talkshow, we dive deeper into the collective consciousness of our Himalayan heritage,” Thinley tells CAAM. Trail blazers and misfits, we’re shaping our community in this technological age. And like perfecting the art of roasting, we bring you one story at a time, with delectable coffee from a small micro farm. Every community or village has its own story, and authenticity matters in good art.”