Sikh PSA to Reach Millions

The PSA, which airs on Comcast this June, seeks to bring awareness of the values of Sikh Americans.

Watch this PSA now! The first-ever Sikh American PSA, created in 2014, will re-air on Comcast during the month of June (the PSA first aired last year). The commercial is an introduction to Sikh Americans, created by the Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Fund (SALDEF). Sikh Americans have been in the country for 125 years, yet misperceptions about Sikh Americans are very common. CAAM supported the PSA by providing funding to create the video. The commercial air time is valued at $1 million and will reach millions and air in 39 states and Washington, D.C., including on popular TV channels such as CNBC, A&E, VH1 and Fox.

“This is a community that’s been here for a very long time,” SALDEF Executive Director Jasjit Singh told MSNBC this week. “We have a legacy of serving the country, being politically active, being civically engaged, but oftentimes, that story doesn’t get told.”

Find out more about SALDEF here and watch the MSNBC segment here.